13 May 2005
(Friday at 6:30pm) - Planning Meeting #2
26 May 2005
(Thursday at 6:30pm) - Planning Meeting #3
5 June 2005
(Sunday from Noon-8pm) - Stall
at Bikefest/Camden Green Fair
5 June 2005
(Sunday from Noon) - World
Naturist Day Picnic, at Serpentine, Hyde Park
Saturday 11
June 2005 - World Naked Bike Ride
noon -
Picnic at Serpentine,
Hyde Park - meet
just north of the Serpentine, in an area known as the meadow, between the
Police house and West Carriage Drive (map
here). This picnic will be similar to
the World Naturist Day Picnic on 5 June.
Bodypainting Sessions (not a nude event)
- Our professional body paint washes off with soap and water. This paint
will be available for use for a suggested donation of £1-3. Paint
messages/designs onto yourself or have one of the female or male volunteers
paint you. This is a continuation of the Picnic activities. Again,
just north of the Serpentine, in an area known as the meadow, between the
Police house and West Carriage Drive (map
here). These sessions will migrate to the World Naked Bike Ride
starting point shortly before the start of the ride.
- World Naked Bike Ride,
starts at Wellington Arch, Hyde Park Corner in London!! CLICK FOR DETAILS!
6pm - After-ride
informal meet-up at
the Serpentine, Hyde Park (location as at picnic,
see above)
8pm to 8am
- Reclaim the Future III (location announced by phone)
Reclaim the Streets fought car culture with mass street parties that revealed
how a car-free future would look. Now, they are holding a benefit in a self-organised
space in London. Not to be missed, this event promises great performers,
dj's, films etc. There is even talk of creating a non-sexual nudity area
for cyclists to socialise after the ride.
Call 020 7644 5155 / 07951 868 252 for event location on the day. (rts.gn.apc.org)
4pm to 9pm
- Free Jeffrey 'Free' Luers Benefit (note early evening finish)
DIY punk rock, zine stalls, tea, free info. Luers is serving 22 years for
burning SUV's at a car showroom in the USA. Pullens Centre, 184 Crampton
Street SE17. http://www.mdx.org.uk/mapfestival.html
9pm to Midnight
- Cyclists Barbecue/Picnic
hosted by the Hammersmith and Fulham
Cyclists (an LCC branch)
Evening Barbecue / Picnic on a sandy beach by the Thames. Watch the sun
set over the river. In case it is chilly bring warm clothes and something
to sit/lie on. Bring food and drink. If you bring food for the barbecue,
please be prepared to look after it yourself. Explore this perfect spot
to relax in the very heart of London. If you plan to take a paddle or a
dip wear something on feet. Low tide is around Midnight. Take the steps
down to the river beside the Festival pier, in front of the Royal Festival
Hall. SE1 8XX Try arriving by bike. John Griffiths 020 7371 1290
/ 07789 095 748 john [at] truefeelings.com
here for photos of a previous events)
Early on
19 June 05 - The G8 Bike Ride sets off from London.
There are three segments separated by rest days and the ride completes in
Lanark on the 30th of June. Daily rides are 18-59 miles. Join us at various
points along the route. Return by bike carrying bus available on the 10th
of July for £35. www.g8bikeride.org.uk
(this lists only
events which occur before the 2005 ride)
Quick navigation
here --> Bike - Bike/Skate
- Skate - Body Freedom - Environmental
5 June 2005 (12pm-8pm)
Bike Fest (at Camden Green Fair)
with participation of http://www.camdencyclists.org.uk
June (events everywhere, see site for details)
Bike Week
19 June
The G8 Bike Ride - Ride starts from London on the 19th of June,
arriving in Lanark, Scotland on the 30th of June)
(official site)
(Ian Gregory's site hosted at Zenatode)
on the last Friday of every month (ride starts at 7pm)
Critical Mass - London
Meet on London's South Bank, just under Waterloo Bridge (outside the National
Film Theatre or NFT).
National Skating Week 2005 and London Skate Festival
Two great annual events on the same week, making terrific a week of skating
activities in London and throughout the UK. The National Skating Week 2005
is coordinated by the UK Inline Skating Association (UKISA).
7:30pm Wednesdays during summer (starting 20th April 2005) opposite
the Bandstand on Serpentine Road in Hyde Park
LondonSkate (many levels of ability - but basic turning and braking
skills are required)
Fridays (except if rain) by the Wellington Arch at Hyde Park Corner
The Friday Night Skate (intermediate/advanced skate)
Saturdays (except if rain) by the Peace Pagoda on the Parade in Battersea
The Easy-peasy skate (beginners)
Sundays (except if rain) at east side of Serpentine Rd in Hyde Park)
The Rollerstroll (beginners who can effectively stop and intermediate/advanced)
4 June 2005
Strawberry Fair (in Cambridge, not London)
This free music festival in Cambridge is not a nude event, but they are
quite nude-friendly.
5 June 2005 - Noon
World Naturist Day Picnic - on the Serpentine, Hyde Park, London
better way to start the month than to enjoy a relaxing, sociable picnic
in Hyde Park with friends - clothes-free (weather permitting) - on World
Naturist Day.
in 2003 and 2004, we'll be meeting just north of the Serpentine, in an area
known as the meadow, between the Old
Police house and West Carriage Drive. (see map
will start to arrive from around 12 noon and we expect to be there all day.
If it's warm enough, some of us will go skinny-dipping in the Serp over
by the lido - that's on the
opposite side to the area chosen for the picnic.
("the naked rambler"), Chris
and I and many others expect to be there so please do come along and say
Royal Parks' agency have confirmed that permission for a small group (up
to about thirty), is not required - any more and we'll just split into smaller
groups - and don't expect to even be aware of our presence, so we'll be
discrete in our enjoyment of all that Hyde Park has to offer.
you can, it'll be helpful to know you're intending join us so please email
[email protected]"
Note: this info is from a post by Richard Collins at nakedwalk.org
which is a new site with information about Steve Gough (the naked rambler)
and his second Land's End to John o'Groat's walk (starting
16 June 2005).
updates, check the following two sites-
http://www.go-bare.org (for updates)
Holiday) Monday 30 May 2005 (11pm-8pm)
Kingston Green Fair - (don't bring dogs)
5 June 2005 (12pm-8pm)
Camden Green Fair and Bike Fest
with participation of http://www.camdencyclists.org.uk
5 June 2005 (11am to 7pm)
Green Lifestyle Week in Greenwich Park, London SE10
June 2005
World Environment Day (global - please sign an environmental
pledge here)
more events info, visit