WNBR Seattle June 11, 2005

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Preliminary Ride Summary:

Bodypainting/Bike Decorating Pre-Ride Party:

Located at the north end of Gas Works Park, Wallingford District. ~ 9 am - 12 Noon. Get your mutant cycling vehicle decorated and paint your comrads!

Keck + Jesiah

will DJ to keep you grooving during the painting party. "World Painting Global Village" design by Franz.

Thanks everybody who helped out with this year's ride. It was fun!

Despite the lame weather, Seattle ride had about 62-63 riders. We had a much better count this time. There was a lot of concern about the weather this year, showers were scheduled and that probably drove many away.

Great elaborate costumes, kustom bike craziness, and paint jobs this year on quite a few people, even stiltwalking.

Clothes Free TV filmed the pre ride party at Gas Works Park and the ride itself, until we started getting dumped on with rain. This rain sadly made us cancel the second leg of the event.

KIRO Channel 7 CBS or KOMO Channel 4 ABC was shooting the event at Gas Works

Ride itself lasted about 3 hrs and I think it was about 10-12 miles, someone has a count out there.

We had a lot more bodypainters this year, and a lot more elaborate bodypainting areas that were heavily used. We had a great catered-like display of all kinds of fruits and truffles and Vegan Donuts were donated by Might O Donuts. Water donated by Capital Hill Internet Cafe/The Seattle Sinner (who was also covering the event and helping to bodypaint). DJs Jesiah & Keck were great!

We had some really amazing reactions this year, it seemed even better than last year to me. Most were very very supportive! So few people expected us, it was so fun to get fresh, positive reactions from all over town!

Gas Works Park
Burke Gilman Trail

Upon taking the streets from the trail we ran into a bus/boat-load of tourists in the Ride the Ducks of Seattle
Fremont/Fremont Bridge
Westlake, west side of Queen Anne Hill
Denny Park (Seattle's first park), group shoot, discussion of ride
5th Ave, we went through a car commercial shoot (We didn't think the police were expecting us at City Hall, and they weren't. They were just on had for the production shoot)
[ Seattle Center International Fountain stop canceled due to maintenance work ]
Civic Plaza at the new Seattle City Hall (that fountain was off too, d'oh!)
Down to 2nd Ave?
International District, up South Jackson, up 12th to Broadway, once on 12th we had a fair number of bicycle police officers following us and at intersections.
Volunteer Park photo shoot in front of donut sculpture at the Reservoir,

then it started dumping rain on us, so we all huddled under the trees, and waited it out for a bit

[ the rest of this ride was identical to last years in terms of the route] : down through Roanoake,
across University Bridge, back to Burke Gilman Trail and back to Gas Works.

2nd leg of WNBR Seattle was cancelled due to heavy showers.

Thanks everybody for helping out!!!

Those of you who did not have a chance to make a donation today can make one through Body Freedom Collaborative at:


Every little bit helps! [The Work Less Party USA and The Rainbow Party do not yet have a bank account, incorporation is still pending]